Channel: TaeSkor Remix
Category: Entertainment
Description: Entertainment Video + Be kind Give the following comments for Advice Thank for visiting - Subscribe - Assess - and comments ♥️ I hope you subscribe my channel because I just want to share my music videos with you. View it even though you don’t!! hope you enjoy 😊 គុណភាពវីដេអូ [Quality 1080p] រឿង (Drama): When we were young តន្ត្រី(song): មនុស្សប្រុសម្នាក់នេះសំខាន់នៅពេលណា (When was this man important?) អ្នកចម្រៀង (Singer): Mustache Band Video Creators: TaeSkor Remix អូនមិនដែលគិតថារូបប្រុសរៀមរាធ្លាប់ស្មោះនឹងស្ងួន ព្រោះតែអូនកំពុងមានគេ ទើបមាសមេមិនចង់ក្បែរបង ហើយអូនក៏មិនដែលគិតថាការឈឺចិត្តវាលំបាកយ៉ាងណា អូនជាមនុស្សដែលបងស្រលាញ់ ហេតុអ្វីចាកចេញទៅមានអ្នកថ្មី ដឹងខ្លួនមាសស្ងួនបងជាមនុស្សរំខាន តែកុំទាន់ភ្លេចកល្យាណ កុំស្មានថាគេសោះនឹងអូនរហូត You never hurt you never be alone ពីថ្ងៃនេះរហូតថ្ងៃសូន្យបងមិនចង់ឃើញមុខអូនទៀតឡើយ ចង់ដឹងថាប្រុសម្នាក់នេះសំខាន់នៅពេលណា ព្រោះជីវាមិនដែលនៅក្បែរបង អនុស្សាហ៏កន្លងនួនល្អងឆាប់លុបវាចេញពីបេះដូង ចង់ដឹងថាប្រុសម្នាក់នេះសំខាន់នៅពេលណា សូមជីវាប្រាប់បងអោយដឹងផងស្នេហ៏ស្នង ទាន់ចិត្តបងនៅស្រលាញ់ កុំអោយចាកចេញទាំងអស់ចិត្ត ទាន់ចិត្តបងនៅស្រលាញ់ កុំអោយចាកចេញទាំងអស់ចិត្ត _______________________________________________________ You never think I've been loyal to you, because you have someone and you don’t want to be close to me. And you never thought the pain was so hard, you were the one I loved, so why are you with someone new? I know myself, I'm annoyed, but don’t forget, and do not think he loves you forever. You never hurt You never be alone, since today to the end of life I don’t want to see you again. I want to know, when this guy is important? because you never stay beside me, all memory between you and me must be deleted in your heart. I want to know, when this guy is important? Please let me know when I'm in love with you, please don’t let me leave all my heart. while I'm in love with you, please don’t let me leave without love.. _________________________________________________________ Oun min de kit tha roub pros ream ra thlob smos neng s’goun prous tae oun kom pung mean ke terb meas mee min jong kbae bong Hery oun kor min de kit tha ka cheu chab vea lom-bak yang na oun jea monus de bong srolanh het avey jak-jenh tov mean neak thmey deng khloun meas s’goun bong jea monus rom khan tae kom ton plech kor-l’yan kom sman tha ke smos ng oun ro-hot You never hurt you never be alone Pi thgai nis ro-hot thgai zon bong min jong khernh muk oun teat lery Jong deng tha pros mneak nis som-khan nov pel na prous ji-va min de nov kbae bong ah nu sa korn long noun l’orng chhab lub vea jenh pi bes-dong jong deng tha pros mneak nis sam-khan nov pel na som ji-va prab bong oy deng pong sne s’nong torn chet bong nov srolanh kom oy jak jenh teang os chet